Welcome to the Department of International Relations & Cooperation

Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (DIAP)

Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act 37 of 2001
Policy on the Management of Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges 2011
Diplomatic Vehicles

Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (DIAP) Circular No 5 of 2024 – DMV Forms

Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (DIAP) Circular No 9 of 2023 – Diplomatic Number Plates

Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (DIAP) Circular No 7 of 2023 – Diplomatic Number Plates

Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (DIAP) Circular No 3 of 2022 – Vehicle Audit

Bill of Sale

Circular Note P14 of 2016 – Vehicle Application Forms (DMV forms and DA90)

Circular Note P16 of 2014 – Requirement on the Export and Verification of Engine and Chassis Number of Diplomatic Motor Vehicles

Diplomatic Vehicle (DMV) Application Forms

For further queries, refer to the Directorate: Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges, as follows:

Ms Lyn de Jong

Director: Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges
Tel: + 27 (0)12 351 0605
Email: dejongl@dirco.gov.za

Mr Shiko Maponya

Deputy Director: Diplomatic Security, Immunity Disputes, Permits and Front Office
Tel: + 27 (0)12 351 0680
Email: maponyas@dirco.gov.za

Mr Marsho September

Deputy Director: Accreditation: Foreign Representatives
Tel: + 27 (0)12 351 1325
Email: septemberm@dirco.gov.za

Mr Derrick Wiliams

Deputy Director: Diplomatic Privileges
Tel: + 27 (0)12 351 0662
Email: williamsd@dirco.gov.za



: The official written form of communication with the Department is a Note Verbale, in duplicate. These should not be sent directly from a Consulate-General/Consulate but via the Embassy / High Commission of the country concerned or International Organisation.

It is essential that separate topics be dealt with in separate Notes Verbales as different sections / desks deal with different subjects.

A reminder that all official communication with the South African Government must be via the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) only in terms of the Foreign Service Act (FSA), No 26 of 2019.

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