Welcome to the Department of International Relations & Cooperation

Procurement information

DIRCO tenders for 2024/25

According to the National Treasury Instruction Note on enhancing compliance monitoring and improving transparency and accountability in Supply Chain Management. Paragraph 3.2.1 Publication of Names of Bidders in respect of advertised competitive bids. The following include the request for proposals, bid proposals received, as well as bids awarded:

DIRCO 06-2024-2025: Invitation to bidders for Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) Agreement for three (3) years.

Date: 2024/11/20 - Bid proposals received
Date: 2024/10/24
DIRCO 06-2024-2025: Invitation to bidders for Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) Agreement for three (3) years.
Closing date: 19 November 2024 at 11h00

DIRCO 03-2024-2025: Appointment of a service provider to provide self-driven and chauffeur driven vehicles for a period of three (3) years for the visiting Foreign Heads of States/Government, Deputy Presidents, Foreign Minister and Deputy Ministers of International Relations and Cooperation (Principals) as well as other Eminent Dignitaries hosted by the principals and also for the Offices of the DIRCO Minister, Deputy Ministers, Director-General and the Branch State Protocol and Consular Services.

Date: 2024/11/08 - Bid proposals received
Date: 2024/10/25 – Briefing Minutes for the non-compulsory Briefing Session on 22 October 2024 at 10h00
Date: 2024/10/14
DIRCO 03-2024-2025: Appointment of a service provider to provide self-driven and chauffeur driven vehicles for a period of three (3) years for the visiting Foreign Heads of States/Government, Deputy Presidents, Foreign Minister and Deputy Ministers of International Relations and Cooperation (Principals) as well as other Eminent Dignitaries hosted by the principals and also for the Offices of the DIRCO Minister, Deputy Ministers, Director-General and the Branch State Protocol and Consular Services.
Closing date: 08 November 2024 at 11h00

DIRCO 02-2024-2025: Request for a successful bidder(s) [any natural or juristic person(s)], based in South Africa to provide services for the packing, removal and insurance of personal effects of officials to and from missions abroad, domestic relocation within the RSA as well as the storage of personal effects in South Africa for a period of four (4) years.

Date: 2025/02/06 - Awarded bid


Service Item required

Awarded to

Preference points claimed

Price (R)

DIRCO 02-2024/2025

DIRCO 02-2024/2025: (Request for a successful bidder(s) [any natural or juristic person(s)], based in South Africa to provide services for the packing, removal and insurance of personal effects of officials to and from missions abroad, domestic relocation within the RSA as well as the storage of personal effects in South Africa for a period of four (4) years.)

Date: 2025/02/06


The Laser Transport Group (Pty) Ltd (AGS DIRCO Business Unit) JV SNGCA


R 193 656 812.00

Date: 2024/11/04 - Bid proposals received
Date: 2024/10/07 - Annexure B: List of Documents to be submitted
Date: 2024/10/07
DIRCO 02-2024-2025: Request for a successful bidder(s) [any natural or juristic person(s)], based in South Africa to provide services for the packing, removal and insurance of personal effects of officials to and from missions abroad, domestic relocation within the RSA as well as the storage of personal effects in South Africa for a period of four (4) years.
Closing date: 04 November 2024 at 11h00

DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/031: Appointment of service provider/s to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate: State Guesthouses with cocktail snacks and desserts for a period of one (1) year.

Date: 2024/08/22
DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/031: Appointment of service provider/s to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate: State Guesthouses with cocktail snacks and desserts for a period of one (1) year
Closing date: 03 September 2024 at 12h00

DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/030: Appointment of a panel to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate Protocol Ceremonial and Guesthouses with dried goods and groceries for a period of one (1) year.

Date: 2024/08/22
DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/030: Appointment of a panel to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate Protocol Ceremonial and Guesthouses with dry goods and groceries for a period of one (1) year
Closing date: 03 September 2024 at 12h00

DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/029: Appointment of a panel to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate: State Guesthouses with fish for a period of one (1) year.

Date: 2024/08/22
DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/029: Appointment of a panel to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate: State Guesthouses with fish for a period of one (1) year.
Closing date: 03 September 2024 at 12h00

DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/028: Appointment of a panel to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate Protocol Ceremonial and Guesthouses with fresh fruit and vegetables for a period of one (1) year.

Date: 2024/08/21
DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/028: Appointment of a panel to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate Protocol Ceremonial and Guesthouses with fresh fruit and vegetables for a period of one (1) year
Closing date: 02 September 2024 at 12h00

DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/027: Appointment of a panel of service providers to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate State Guesthouses with meat as and when required for the duration of one (1) year.

Date: 2024/08/21
Appointment of a panel of service providers to supply the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, Directorate State Guesthouses with meat as and when required for the duration of one (1) year
Closing date: 02 September 2024 at 12h00

DIRCO RFQ No: 2024/08/026: Appointment of a panel of professional chefs to render VIP and VVIP catering to be utilised on a rotational basis for the Department of International Relations and Cooperation for a period of one (1) year as and when required.

Date: 2024/08/21
Appointment of a panel of professional chefs to render VIP and VVIP catering to be utilised on a rotational basis for the Department of International Relations and Cooperation for a period of one (1) year as and when required
Closing date: 04 September 2024 at 12h00

DIRCO 01-2024-2025: Invitation to service providers to render catering services at Sefako M Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse in (Brytirion Estate), OR Tambo International Airport State Protocol Lounge, Lanseria International Airport Lounge, Waterkloof Airforce Base Lounge and DIRCO OR Tambo Building Conference Centre.

Date: 2024/06/21 - Awarded bid


Service Item required

Awarded to

Preference points claimed

Price (R)

DIRCO 01-2024/2025

DIRCO 01-2024/2025: (Invitation to service providers to render catering services at Sefako M Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse in (Brytirion Estate), OR Tambo International Airport State Protocol Lounge, Lanseria International Airport Lounge, Waterkloof Airforce Base Lounge and DIRCO OR Tambo Building Conference Centre.)

Date: 2024/06/21


Jubilate Events Management


R 1 761 391.70

Date: 2024/05/22 - Bid proposals received
  • Bonompho Investments

  • Open Food Group

  • Destiny Cuisine

  • Nwa-Nkumi Development Projects Catering services
  • HM Africa Taste

  • Jubilabe Events Management

  • B The Foodie

  • Pincode

  • Nyiketo Group

  • Matule JV Titi & Tsaki Projects

  • K Agrigrow
  • Kgwerano Hospitality


Late Bid:


  • Tsebo Solution Group (Submitted at 11h07)
Date: 2024/05/15
Invitation to service providers to render catering services at Sefako M Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse in (Brytirion Estate), OR Tambo International Airport State Protocol Lounge, Lanseria International Airport Lounge, Waterkloof Airforce Base Lounge and DIRCO OR Tambo Building Conference Centre
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