Media Briefing by President Cyril Ramaphosa during the Angola State Visit by HE Joao Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola, Union Buildings, Pretoria.

Your Excellency Joao Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola,
Honourable Ministers,
Members of the Media,

Good morning.

Your Excellency President Lourenço,

It has been a pleasure to receive you on your first State Visit to South Africa.

We have congratulated President Lourenço on his re-election.

This has been a year of major elections across the continent, including in Angola and South Africa.

We have a shared sense of optimism regarding the state of multiparty democracy in Africa, which has proven to be robust and in good health.

We have commended SADC for supporting these democratic processes through election observer missions, as well as for providing valuable recommendations on electoral processes going forward.

South Africa and Angola have fraternal ties dating back to our respective liberation struggles.

The people of Angola and the MPLA that President Lourenço leads, were and remain great friends of the South African people.

As we mark 30 years of democracy in South Africa this year, I thanked President Lourenço for Angola’s solidarity and friendship on behalf of all the peoples of South Africa.

This intertwined, shared history has formed the basis for cooperation through the Bi-National Commission between Angola and South Africa.

The first BNC meeting will take place in Angola in 2025 and will be co-chaired by President Lourenço and myself.

Angola and South Africa are amongst the largest regional economies, and we have agreed that we need to deepen bilateral trade and investment.

There are already approximately 20 South African businesses with a footprint in Angola.

South African FDI into Angola has been into a range of sectors including financial services, IT, manufacturing, hospitality, tourism and business services, amongst others.

The Development Bank of Southern Africa, the Industrial Development Corporation and other South African development finance institutions have also extended their financial coverage to Angola.

Amongst the infrastructure projects being financed are pipeline construction, renewable energy, water and sanitation and port development.

The Lobito Trans Africa Corridor project has also attracted interest from some of our companies.

President Lourenço ‘s vision for the Corridor as an economic development zone has been positively received – and we are keen to explore opportunities for collaboration in this regard.

As South Africa we are keen to see more Angolan investors enter the South African economy.

The Business Forum that will be taking place later today is a chance to connect Angolan and South African businesses and we look forward to participating.

For our part as governments, we will be expanding on the structural economic reforms underway in both countries to improve the investment climate and business operating environment.

With respect to bilateral cooperation, we have agreed on an audit of existing agreements and Memoranda of Understanding.

Since formal diplomatic relations were established between Angola and South Africa, we have signed more than 44 agreements. They are at varying stages of implementation.

This stock-take is necessary, in the interests of strengthening the strategic partnership going forward.

With respect to collaboration on peace and security in the region and across Africa, we have commended President Lourenço for his efforts in mediating between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, as President of the International Conference on the Great Lakes, and as Facilitator of the Luanda Process.

As South Africa and Angola, we are deeply troubled by the deteriorating situation in Sudan and the ensuing humanitarian crisis.

President Lourenço serves on the AU Presidential Ad-Hoc Committee for the Republic of Sudan. South Africa pledges its full support for all efforts to bring about an end to the conflict in Sudan.

We are equally concerned at the post-electoral crisis in Mozambique and have agreed to work together to enable our region to better respond to peace and security challenges in Africa.

Silencing the Guns is a necessary precondition for Africa’s stability, economic growth and development.

I also briefed President Lourenço on South Africa’s Presidency of the G20.

This will be the first gathering of this group of countries on the African continent. I indicated that promoting Africa’s developmental priorities as espoused in the African Union’s Agenda 2063 will be one of the defining elements of our Presidency.

South Africa will ensure that key issues of strategic importance to Africa and the Global South are elevated during our term.

In conclusion, South Africa looks forward to deepening its ties with Angola in the cause of mutually beneficial growth, continental economic integration and sustainable development.

I thank you and now invite President Lourenço to deliver his remarks.

Issued by: The Presidency