Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa during the BRICS Summit Open Plenary Session, on the occasion of the XVI BRICS Heads of State Summit, Kazan, Russia, 23 October 2024

Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa during the BRICS Summit Open Plenary Session, on the occasion of the XVI BRICS Heads of State Summit, Kazan, Russia, 23 October 2024

Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security

Your Excellency, President Vladimir Putin,
Excellencies, fellow BRICS Leaders,
Honourable Ministers,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me thank our Chair, President Putin, for hosting us in Kazan for the XVI BRICS Summit.

Fifteen years ago, South Africa attended its first BRICS Summit in Sanya, China.

Today, we gather as a group of nine leading emerging countries.

Our historic expansion is a beacon of hope for the global South.

Individually, we are countries of diverse histories, values and strengths.

Together, we demonstrate the benefits of cooperation instead of competition.

As an increasingly influential group, we must ensure the success of this expanded group.

Twenty-five years ago, South Africa’s first democratic President, Nelson Mandela, undertook one of his final State Visits to the Russian Federation.

During this visit, President Mandela paid homage to the people of Russia.

He said they “were in the vanguard of that great legion of humanity who shared our struggle against apartheid and therefore also our victory”.

He said: “This was the solidarity of true internationalism, transcending a vast geographical distance as well as the cultural and social differences between our peoples.”

As the world bears witness to the continued plight of the Palestinian people, South Africa is compelled to emulate that spirit of solidarity.

As a country, we understand the value of global support for a people’s right to self-determination and statehood.

We are gravely concerned at the further escalation of a conflict that has already caused so much death and destruction.

The International Court of Justice has made it clear that the international community has a duty to prevent genocide by Israel.

The countries of the world have a responsibility not to fund or facilitate Israel’s genocidal actions.

As the UN General Assembly has now resolved, the countries of the world have a responsibility to promote the realisation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.

Lasting peace and security will not be achieved until Palestinians have realised their aspirations for statehood, justice and freedom.

Peace and security across the world require the collective will of the community of nations.

It requires a UN Security Council that is representative and inclusive.

We see from many conflicts raging across the world that the UN Security Council has not fulfilled its mandate to maintain international peace and security.

It does not represent the interests of the global community, and therefore does not have the means to give effect to the global desire for peace.

Just as BRICS has a vital role in shaping a new multipolar world order, so too must it use its voice to advance change.

We found consensus on the reform of the UN Security Council when we met in Johannesburg last year.

Let us build on that foundation to develop an improved consensus that addresses the concerns and aspirations of all BRICS members.

We welcome the report of our National Security Advisors.

As BRICS countries, our security cooperation should continue to enhance mutual trust and build practical cooperation.

It should enable us to address complex security challenges, including terrorism, new technologies such artificial intelligence, cybercrime and instability in various regions.

We meet at a time when multilateralism is under threat.

We see this XVI BRICS Summit as an opportunity to harness our collective strength to build a safer, more prosperous and equitable world.

It is in this spirit that South Africa will assume the Presidency of the G20 next year under the theme of: Solidarity, Equality and Sustainable Development.

We will seek to mobilise the countries of the world to take practical steps to resolve global challenges while strengthening international cooperation within a rules-based system.

In an interconnected world, the challenges faced by one nation affect all nations.

Through solidarity, we seek to advance a unified effort and mutual support among nations.

By advancing equality we seek to ensure fair treatment, opportunities and advancement for all individuals and nations.

Sustainable development is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Over the years, BRICS has emerged as an important voice of the Global South.

The expansion of BRICS is evidence of the growing value of our cooperation.

By working together, we can pave the way for a brighter future for all our peoples – and for the global community of nations.

I thank you.

Issued by: The Presidency