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Issue 2, December 2012:

Special features in Issue 2 include:

  • South Africa is getting many things right
  • A vision for South Africa’s foreign policy – Now and beyond
  • Israel-Palestine conflict – A South African priority
  • President Jacob Zuma on South Africa’s National Infrastructure Plan
  • Liberation history – The legacy of OR Tambo
  • Top 10 reasons to visit South Africa
  • Best crew in the world
  • Charlize Theron – United Nations Messenger of Peace

Issue 1, August 2012:

Special features in Issue 1 include:

  • A victory for South African diplomacy, a victory for southern Africa and Africa!
  • COP17/CMP7 – the Durban Outcome
  • South Africa’s foreign policy responds to domestic priorities
  • Cultural diplomacy and sports as tools for nation-building and development
  • Who is Brand South Africa?
  • Africa is proud to host the SKA
  • South Africa’s Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nation’s Roll Back Malaria Partnership
  • South Africa Fashion Week
  • Freedom Park – a heritage destination