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Statement by Zane Dangor, Director-General of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa, at the United Nations Security Council High-Level Open Debate on Maintenance of International Peace and Security: “Upholding the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations Charter through Effective Multilateralism: Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine”, 20 September 2023

South Africa welcomes the opportunity to contribute to today’s discussion. We hope that this debate lays the basis for concrete action to end the war in Ukraine and focuses on work that is required towards a just and sustainable peace in Ukraine, with renewed commitments to inclusive multilateralism wherein the principles of the Charter and international law are consistently implemented in all situations.

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Remarks delivered by Mr Zane Dangor, Director-General, Department of International Relations and Cooperation, at the Welcome Dinner of the First BRICS Sherpa and Sous-Sherpa Meeting, 31 January 2023, Limpopo

Remarks delivered by Mr Zane Dangor, Director-General, Department of International Relations and Cooperation, at the Welcome Dinner of the First BRICS Sherpa and Sous-Sherpa Meeting, 31 January 2023, Limpopo   Prof. Anil Sooklal, Vice Minister Ma Zhaoxu Shri Dammu Ravi, Amb. Pavel Knyazev, Ms Ana Maria Bierrenbach, DDG Walter Segooa from the office of the Premier of Limpopo, BRICS Sherpas and Sous Sherpas, Ambassadors, Excellencies,

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