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Issue 22, October 2020

Special features in Issue 22 include:

  • George Bizos: Heroic South African human rights lawyer with a macabre duty to represent the dead
  • Liberation heritage: Andrew Mlangeni
  • South Africa’s Freedom Charter campaign holds lessons for the pursuit of a fairer society
  • We must continue to develop our own solutions to inspire and energise Africans
  • Journalism of Drum’s heyday remains cause for celebration – 70 years later
  • Why the African free trade area could be the game-changer for the continent’s economies
  • How the Grand Renaissance Dam might spark basin-wide water cooperation
  • A comprehensive and meaningful implementation of the YPS and WPS agendas in Africa: An international perspective
  • Pan-African solidarity required in the fight against COVID-19
  • Africa’s scientists set out their COVID-19 research priorities
  • Africa’s research capacity is growing. That’s good news for pandemic response efforts
  • Unite human, animal and environmental health to prevent the next pandemic – UN Report
  • The AU’s Peace and Security Architecture: Filling the gaps
  • The importance of leading communication during epidemics
  • Jürgen Schadeberg: Chronicler of life across apartheid’s divides
  • Groundbreaking study maps and values South Africa’s wild spaces
  • Meet the women on the frontlines of the conservation battle
  • Africa’s 2020 Rhino Conservation Awards acknowledge courageous game rangers
  • Where the Pangolin has not roamed for over 70 years
  • Gigantic wolverines, otters the size of wolves: Fossils offer fresh insights into the past
  • Flying the flag

Issue 21, June 2020:

Special features in Issue 21 include:

  • Liberation heritage: Denis Goldberg
  • Liberation heritage: Credo Mutwa
  • John Liebenberg: Masterful photographer of life and war in southern Africa
  • A “graffiti” wall reveals women’s stories from the South African War
  • 1917: First landing on a moving warship by Edwin Harris Dunning – a South African
  • How to ensure that the Coronavirus doesn’t stop peace efforts in Africa
  • How a post-COVID-19 revival could kickstart Africa’s free trade area
  • 48 Europe and African relations post COVID-19: Time to add size, scale and speed
  • Coronavirus: Never been a more compelling time for African scientists to work together
  • Africa’s health systems should use AI technology in their fight against COVID-19
  • What a bone arrowhead from South Africa reveals about ancient human cognition
  • COVID-19 and the nature trade-off paradigm
  • Archaeology shows how ancient African societies managed pandemics
  • Fossil track sites tell the story of ancient crocodiles in southern Africa
  • How an underwater photo led to the discovery of a tiny new seahorse species
  • My cattle, your rhinos: South Africa’s poverty-and-wildlife conundrum
  • A theatre project explores collective solutions to saving the ocean
  • Flying the flag

Issue 20, March 2020:

Special features in Issue 20 include:

  • Liberation Heritage: Joseph Shabalala
  • How the fall of the Berlin Wall 31 years ago resonated across Africa
  • BRICS scientists could help stem the tide of invasive species
  • How international trade can unlock the potential of the cultural economy in developing countries
  • Esther Mahlangu: Disrupting Patterns
  • Tourism creates one in five jobs – SA can’t afford not to be competitive
  • 8 incredible South African innovations of 2019
  • In a rare sighting, astronomers observe burst of activity as a massive star forms
  • Miss Universe comes home
  • The most beautiful object in South Africa 2020
  • The oldest places in South Africa
  • Meet the dogs being trained to combat poaching in South Africa
  • The story of the pharma giant and the African yam
  • Flying the flag