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Message of the Ambassador

Dear friends of South Africa, Dear compatriots,


Thank you for visiting the official website of the South African Embassy to France.


I hope that everyone will be able to find the information they are looking for whether they are a businessman, tourist, student or simply curious about South



South Africa is open for business and, despite the recent Covid epidemic,continues to provide many opportunities for those looking at investing in an emerging market with a stable democracy, modern infrastructure and world class financial systems.


Our country is also a prime destination for tourism. The discovery of its breathtaking scenery, wildlife, beaches and climate is one part of the amazing experience. The encounter with the cultural diversity of the South Africans and their unique history is equally fascinating.


France is an important political and economic partner of South Africa and we wanted to highlight the many links and partnerships that have been forged between our two countries over the past decades as well as the many opportunities that lie ahead.


Before the Covid crisis, the number of French tourists to South Africa was growing. We would like to see the number of these French people, tourists or otherwise, increase. That is why we hope that the consular information contained in the website will be as clear as possible.


Through our social networks you can also follow the news from South Africa and the numerous activities of the Embassy in Paris and in the French provinces. Do not hesitate to consult these new means of communication and share with us your suggestions, impressions, experiences on our country which, more than

ever, is “inspiring new ways”.


Tebogo Seokolo

Ambassador of South Africa to France and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO

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(+021) 157 489

Explore Our Embassy

The South-African Embassy in Paris is an iconic example of the pattern approach in architecture by a design collective, created in 1974 by Jean-Marie Garet, Gérard Lambert, Jean Thierrart and the L’Oeuf center of studies. The cubic building with its three identical facades, emblematic of of the 70s architecture, moves away for the traditional architecture of the area. Its windows are partly hidden by gigantic cast-aluminium shields. The interior design and the door design and the large ceramic walls are the works of the L’Oeuf center of studies, a famous group of interior designers and architects established in the early 60s.

Upcoming Events and Activities

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