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Diplomatic Vehicle (DMV) Application Forms

Diplomatic Vehicle (DMV) Application Forms

DMV – 1 Application to purchase or import
[office_doc id=’5637′]
DMV – 1a Application to lease / bank finance a motor
[office_doc id=’5639′]
DMV – 2 (Certificate A)
[office_doc id=’5645′]
DMV – 3 (Certificate B)
[office_doc id=’5647′]
DMV – 4 Application for Diplomatic Registration
[office_doc id=’5649′]
DMV – 4a Application for Diplomatic Registration of leased vehicles
[office_doc id=’5655′]
DMV – 5 Application for export vehicle
[office_doc id=’5657′]
DMV – 6 Application for permission to sell etc.
[office_doc id=’5662′]
DMV – 7 Application to de-register diplomatic vehicle
[office_doc id=’5664′]
DMV – 9 Application to register mission or IO in levy rebate scheme
[office_doc id=’5667′]
DMV – 10 Application to register diplomatic vehicle in levy rebate scheme
[office_doc id=’5669′]
DA90 – Claim in respect of excise duty and fuel levy by representatives

DMV – 11 Application for refund of excise duty etc.

For more information please call the Directorate: Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges on the following telephone numbers:

Ms Lyn de Jong
Director: Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges
Tel: + 27 (0)12 351 0605
Email: dejongl@dirco.gov.za

Mr Kevin Oosthuizen
Deputy Director: Diplomatic Security, Immunity Disputes, Permits and Front Office
Tel: + 27 (0)12 301 8767
Email: oosthuizenk@dirco.gov.za

Ms L V Manuel
Deputy Director: Accreditation: Foreign Representatives
Tel : + 27 (0)12 351 0367
E-mail: manuell@dirco.gov.za

Deputy Director: Diplomatic Privileges



NOTES VERBALES: The official written form of communication with the Protocol Directorate, is a Note Verbale in duplicate. These should not be sent direct from a Consulate-General/Consulate but via the Embassy/High Commission of the country concerned.

It is essential that separate topics be dealt with in separate Notes Verbales as different sections/desks deal with different subjects. The DIRCO List clearly indicates the desk division.

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