Exempt countries: Department of Home Affairs – Exempt Countries
Embassy bank account:
Narvavägen 34 A (Karlaplan)
IBAN: SE21 5000 0000 0527 7102 4349
SURNAME & FORENAMES (As they appear on your passport/ID/birth certificate)
Please submit confirmation of proof of payment with your application.
Visa Applications
Application Form for a visa: DHA-84
(Please right clink on the link and select open with).
*Kindly cross reference requirements with the latest information published on the website of the Department of Home Affairs –
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa.
□ Completed form DHA-84
□ Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
□ Passport and copy
□ For accompany spouse: Marriage Certificate (Family Register) if applicable
□ For Accompany child: Birth Certificate (Family Register) if
□ Residence Card if applicable
□ Proof of sufficient fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) Bank statements from the internet are not acceptable. Please bring the bank statements issued by the bank with the bank stamp
□ Flight itinerary/reservation (fly in SA, domestic within SA and fly out of SA)
□ Proof of accommodation booking or letter of invitation from host in South Africa with certified proof of host’s legal status in South Africa (ID Book/ passport, visa or residence status in South Africa whichever is applicable) and address proof
□ A statement or documentation detain the purposes and duration of the visit (for example, an invitation letter from SA)
□ Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa
- Non-refundable application fee SEK310
Processing time may take up to 15 working days.
Fee: SEK 310
Please note that the following businesses are regarded as undesirable and do not qualify for a Business Visa
- Businesses that import second hand motor vehicles into the Republic for the purpose of exporting to other markets outside the Republic of South Africa
- The exotic entertainment industry
- Security industry
- Hospitality industry
- Fast-food outlets and franchises
- Cosmetic and beauty industry
Note: all documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator
- Duly completed application form DHA 1738 accompanied by two passport type photographs. Machine-type or instant photographs are not acceptable).
- Present a valid original passport.
- Proof of financial support in the form of three months bank statement.
- Original Police clearance certificate issued by the police or security authority in each country where the relevant applicant resided for 12 months or longer after attaining the age of 18 years except for South Africa, in respect of criminal records or the character of that applicant, which certificate shall not be older than six months at the time of its submission: (Provided that the certificate shall not be required from a foreign country in the case of renewal or extension of a visa)
- Medical report for all applicants. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time of the application.
- Yellow fever vaccination certificate if that person travelled or intends travelling from or transit through a yellow fever endemic area: Provided that the certificate shall not be required where that person travelled or intends travelling in direct transit through such area or where an application is made in the Republic.
- A certificate issued by a charted accountant registered with the South African Institute of Charted Accountants (SAICA)or a professional accountant registered with the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) to the effect that at least an amount in cash of R5 million as determined from time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Trade and Industry, by notice in the Gazette, is available; or
- An amount of R5 million in cash and capital as determined from time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Trade and Industry, by notice in the Gazette, is available to be invested in the republic.
- A letter of recommendation from the Department of Trade and Industry regarding the feasibility of the business and the contribution to the national interest of the Republic.
- An undertaking that at least 60% of the total staff compliment to be employed in the operations of the business shall be citizens or permanent residents employed permanently in various positions.
- An undertaking to register with the South African Revenue Services.
- An undertaking to register with the Unemployment Insurance Fund.
- An Undertaking to register with the Compensation Fund for Occupational Injuries and Diseases.
- An Undertaking to register with the Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CIPC), where legally required.
- Proof of registration with the relevant professional body, board or council recognised by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in terms of section 13(2)(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act, where applicable.
- Proof of investment in the business and the partnership agreement.
- Financial statements in respect of the preceding financial year.
- A letter of confirmation from the Department of Labour that 60% of the total staff compliment employed in the operations of the business are citizens or permanent residents who are employed permanently in various positions.
- Application fee.: SEK310
In terms Section 19 (2) & Regulation 16(4), of the South Africa Immigration Act, 2002 (Act No.13 of 2002), as amended by the Immigration Amendment Act, 2004 (Act No. 19 of 2004), persons who intend to be employed in South Africa are required to obtain a General Work permit
- Please note: Provisional Airline bookings may be made for the proposed departure date.
- All foreign documents must be translated. The embassy reserves the right to request more documentation.
- Requirements Duly completed application form signed by the applicant – Form BI 1738
- Prescribed Fee
- One (1) photograph of applicant and all accompanying family members/partner
- Passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of intended visit
- A vaccination certificate if applicant travelled through the Yellow Fever belt of Africa and South America
- Proof of financial means in the form of:
- Three months bank statements
- Medical report on prescribed form DHA-811. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time the applicant applies
- Police clearance certificate(s) shall only be required from the police or security authorities in each country where the applicant, after having attained the age of 18 years, has resided for 12 months or longer during the five years immediately preceding the date of application, which certificate shall not be older than six months at the time of its submission
- A certified copy of your Marriage certificate or completed affidavit in the case of life partners (if spouse/partner travelling with applicant)
- Certified copy of unabridged birth certificates of minor dependent children (if travelling with applicant)
- Divorce decree / Proof of legal separation (if applicable)
- Proof of custody/adoption/guardianship (if applicable)
- Consent from parent(s) (if applicable)
- Death certificate in the case of spouse (if applicable)
- Contract of employment signed by both applicant and employer, stipulating conditions of employment.
- Original proof of qualifications and evaluation thereof by the South African Qualifications Authority
- Translation into English of all documentation by a sworn translator (proof of registration of translator)
- Certification by the South African Department of Labour or extract from the database of a benchmarking organisation stipulating the salary earned by employees occupying similar positions in the RSA
- Undertaking to register with the professional body, board or council in the RSA (where applicable)
- Letter of registration, where required by a law, from the relevant professional body/board/council. (where applicable)
- Full particulars of the employer and proof of registration with the Registrar of Companies
- A Letter of motivation from the employer as required in regulation 16(4) (d). Application fee: SEK 1 100
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Checklist of Documents to be submitted in person BY APPOINTMENT:
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa. Intra-Company Transfer Visas (ICT visas) can be granted for a maximum period of up to 4 years.
□ A duly completed form DHA-1738 signed by applicant
□ Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
□ Passport and copy
□ Residence Card if applicable
□ Unabridged birth certificate and copy
□ Proof of sufficient fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) for own maintenance for the duration of stay
□ Flight itinerary
□ Proof of address
□ Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa
□ Medical report on prescribed form DHA-811
. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time the applicant submits an application.
□ Police clearance certificate(s) shall only be required from the police or security authorities in each country where the applicant, after having attained the age of 18 years, has resided for 12 months or longer during the five years immediately preceding the date of application, which certificate shall not be older than six months at the time of its submission
From either side
□ A written undertaking by the employer accepting responsibility for the costs related to the deportation of the applicant and his or her dependent family members, should it become necessary
□ A written undertaking by the employer to ensure that the passport of his or her employee is valid at all times for the duration of his or her employment.
From current employer
□ The foreigner’s contract of employment (and copy), valid for a period of not less than six month, with the company outside South Africa Note no confirmation letter of date of employment that was drafted for the sole purpose of visa application will be acceptable)
□ A letter from the company outside South Africa confirming that the foreigner shall be transferred to a branch, subsidiary or an affiliate of that company in the Republic of South Africa
From South African employer
□ A contract of employment with the company within South Africa.
□ A letter from the branch, subsidiary or an affiliate in the Republic of South Africa confirming the transfer of the foreigner and specifying the occupation and capacity in which that foreigner shall be employed
□ An undertaking from the branch, subsidiary or an affiliate in the Republic of South Africa to reimburse the Department any costs incurred in relation to the deportation of the holder of an intra-company transfer work visa and any of his or her dependent family members
□ An undertaking by the relevant employer that:
- a foreigner shall only be employed in the specific position for which the visa has been issued;
- the foreigner will at all times comply with the provisions of the Act and conditions of his or her visa and undertakes to immediately notify the Director-General if the employee refuses to comply with the provisions of the Act or conditions of the visa; and
- a detailed plan must be developed for the transfer of skills to South African citizen(s) or permanent resident(s)
- Proof of payment of the applicable fee for medical coverage
- Processing time may take up to 21 working days.
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa.
- A duly completed form DHA-1738 signed by applicant
- Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
- Passport and copy
- Residence card if applicable
- Unabridged birth certificate and copy
- Proof of employment outside South Africa, if applicable
- Proof of sufficient fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) for own maintenance for the duration of stay
- Flight itinerary/reservation
- Proof of hotel accommodation booking or letter of invitation from host in South Africa with certified proof of host’s legal status in South Africa (ID Book/ passport, visa or residence status in South Africa whichever is applicable) and address proof
- A statement or documentation detailing the purpose and duration of the visit
- Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa.
- Medical report on prescribed form DHA-811. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time the applicant submits an application.
- Marriage certificate or in the case of a foreign spousal relationship, proof of official recognition thereof issued by the authorities of the foreign country of the applicant (where applicable).
- The affidavit where a spousal relationship to a South African citizen or resident is applicable, as well as documentation proving cohabitation and the extent to which the related financial responsibilities are shared by the parties and setting out the particulars of children in the spousal relationship. (Affidavit to be signed when applicant is lodging application by appointment.)
- Divorce decree (and copy), if applicable
- Court order (and copy) granting full or specific parental responsibilities and rights, where applicable
- Death certificate (and copy), in respect of late spouse, where applicable
- Written consent from both parents and full parental responsibilities, where applicable
- Proof of adoption (and copy), where applicable
- Legal separation order (and copy), where applicable
- Police clearance certificate(s) from all countries where applicant resided one year or longer since having attained the age of 18, which certificate(s) shall not be older than six (6) months at time of submission
- Proof of kinship, within the second step, between the applicant and the South African citizen or permanent resident in the form of
- an unabridged birth certificate (and copy); and
- where necessary, paternity test results (and copy)
- The financial assurance contemplated in section 18(1) of the Act shall be an amount, per person per month, as determined from time to time by the Minister by notice in the Gazette, to be proven by means of a current salary advice or a certified bank statement not older than three months at the time of application. Provided that the financial assurance shall not be required where the South African citizen or permanent resident is a dependent child.
- Non-refundable application fee of SEK 310
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa.
- A duly completed form DHA-1738 signed by applicant
- Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
- Passport and copy
- Residence Card if applicable
- Unabridged birth certificate and copy
- Proof of retirement
- Proof of retirement fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) Copy of Bank statements from the internet are not acceptable. Please bring the bank statements issued by the bank with the bank stamp
- Flight itinerary/reservation
- Proof of accommodation
- Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa.
- Medical report on prescribed form DHA-811. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time the applicant submits an application.
- Marriage certificate or in the case of a foreign spousal relationship, proof of official recognition thereof issued by the authorities of the foreign country of the applicant (where applicable).
- The affidavit where a spousal relationship to a South African citizen or resident is applicable, as well as documentation proving cohabitation and the extent to which the related financial responsibilities are shared by the parties and setting out the particulars of children in the spousal relationship. (Affidavit to be signed when applicant is lodging application by appointment.)
- Divorce decree (and copy), if applicable
- Court order (and copy) granting full or specific parental responsibilities and rights, where applicable
- Death certificate (and copy), in respect of late spouse, where applicable
- Written consent from both parents and full parental responsibilities, where applicable
- Proof of adoption (and copy), where applicable
- Legal separation order (and copy), where applicable
- Police clearance certificate(s) from all countries where applicant resided one year or longer since having attained the age of 18, which certificate(s) shall not be older than six (6) months at time of submission
- Proof of minimum monthly payment from a pension fund or an irrevocable retirement annuity or a net worth providing an income for the duration of stay in South Africa
- Non-refundable application fee of SEK310 Bank Transfer
Processing time may take up to 21 working days.
Visitor visa section 11(6) is ONLY issued to a spouse of a South African citizen or permanent residence holder.
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted BY APPOINTMENT:
- A duly completed form DHA-1738 signed by applicant
- Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
- Passport and copy
- Residence Card if applicable
- Unabridged birth certificate and copy
- Proof of employment outside South Africa, if applicable
- Proof of sufficient fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) for own maintenance for the duration of stay. Copy of banknote is not acceptable. Bank statements from the internet are not acceptable. Please bring the bank statements issued by the bank with the bank stamp
- Flight itinerary/reservation
- Proof of accommodation or letter of invitation from host in South Africa with certified proof of host’s legal status in South Africa (ID Book/ passport, visa or residence status in South Africa whichever is applicable) and address proof
- A statement or documentation detailing the purpose and duration of the visit.
- Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa.
- Medical report on prescribed form DHA-811. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time the applicant submits an application.
- Marriage certificate or in the case of a foreign spousal relationship, proof of official recognition thereof issued by the authorities of the foreign country of the applicant (where applicable).
- The affidavit where a spousal relationship to a South African citizen or resident is applicable, as well as documentation proving cohabitation and the extent to which the related financial responsibilities are shared by the parties and setting out the particulars of children in the spousal relationship. (Affidavit to be signed when applicant is lodging application by appointment.)
- Marriage certificate, if applicable
- Cohabitation agreement, if applicable
- Spouse’s passport (and copy)
- Spouse’s South African valid visa (and copy), if applicable
- Support letter from spouse who is a South African citizen or South African permanent resident
- Divorce decree (and copy), if applicable
- Court order (and copy) granting full or specific parental responsibilities and rights, where applicable
- Death certificate (and copy), in respect of late spouse, where applicable
- Written consent from both parents and full parental responsibilities, where applicable
- Proof of adoption (and copy), where applicable
- Legal separation order (and copy), where applicable
- An employment offer (and copy), where applicable
- Proof of registration of the business with CIPC and proof of registration with SARS (and copy), where applicable
- Proof of provisional acceptance from an educational institution, where applicable
- Non-refundable application fee.
(Fee exemption for spouse of South African citizen)
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa.
- A duly completed form DHA-1738 signed by applicant
- Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
- Passport and copy
- If you a minor, please submit your Family Register (original and copy)
(It must be translated by a professional translator).
If you are foreigner in Sweden/Lithuania/Latvia/Estonia/Finland, you have to submit proof your residence card.
- Unabridged birth certificate and copy (age under 16)
- Proof of sufficient fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) for own maintenance for the duration of study.
- Flight itinerary/reservation
- Proof of accommodation booking or letter of invitation from host in South Africa with certified proof of host’s legal status in South Africa (ID Book/ passport, visa or residence status in South Africa whichever is applicable) and address proof.
Please bring the bank statements issued by a bank with the bank stamp.
- Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa.
- Medical report on prescribed form DHA-811. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time the applicant submits an application.
- Divorce decree (and copy), if applicable
- Court order (and copy) granting full or specific parental responsibilities and rights, where applicable
- Death certificate (and copy), in respect of late spouse, where applicable
- Written consent from both parents and full parental responsibilities, where applicable
- Proof of adoption (and copy), where applicable
- Legal separation order (and copy), where applicable
- Police clearance certificate(s) shall only be required from the police or security authorities in each country where the applicant, after having attained the age of 18 years, has resided for 12 months or longer during the five years immediately preceding the date of application, which certificate shall not be older than six months at the time of its submission.
- An official letter confirming acceptance at the learning institution and the duration of the course.
- Proof of registration of the learning institute, in the form of registration number.
- An undertaking by the Registrar or Principal of the learning institution to:
- Provide proof of registration as contemplated in the relevant legislation within 60 days of registration: or
- In the event of failure to register by the closing date, provide the Director-General with; a notification of failure to register within 7 days of the closing date of registration;
- Within 30 days, notify the Director-General that the applicant is no longer registered with such institution; and
- Within 30 days, notify the Director-General when the applicant has completed his or her studies or requires extending such period of study iIn case of a minor (anyone who is under 18 years old):
- Proof of physical address and contact number of the adult person residing in South Africa, who is acting or has accepted to act as the learner’s guardian, including notarised confirmatory letter and identification from that guardian
- Letter of consent from parents for granting guardianship
- Letter of consent from parents for taking up study in South Africa for the intended duration of stay, or where applicable, from the parent or legal guardian who has been issued with a court order granting full or specific parental responsibilities and rights or legal guardianship of the learner
- Proof of medical cover renewed annually for the period of study with a medical scheme registered in terms of the Medical Schemes Act
- Non-refundable application fee SEK310
- Processing time may take up to 21 working days.
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa.
- Application form DHA-84. Signed and completed in black ink only. Do not use white–out on forms or make alterations. Include your email address and telephone numbers.
- One (2) passport photos with white or light background
- Original passport valid for no less than thirty (30) days after the expiry of the intended visit with three (3) completely blank pages.
- Travel itinerary showing onward or return flight details. NOT airport codes. Must indicate the exact transit hours.
- Applicant’s current month bank statement reflecting total three months. Bank statement record with account holder’s name and available balance.
- Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa
- Residency card if applicable
- Notarised financial support letter from parents/spouses and certified copies of their valid passports and bank statements of guarantor. Do not blot out the account number or names on the bank statement. Please print your bank statement at least a day before visiting our offices if applicable.
- Non-refundable application fee SEK310
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Checklist of Documents to be submitted in person BY APPOINTMENT:
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa.
- A duly completed form DHA-1738 signed by applicant
- Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
- Passport and copy
- For accompany spouse: Marriage Certificate (Family Register)
- For Accompany child: Birth Certificate (Family Register)
- Residence Card if applicable
- Proof of employment outside South Africa, if applicable
- Proof of sufficient fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) for own maintenance for the duration of stay. Bank statements from the internet are not acceptable. Please bring the bank statements issued by a bank with the bank stamp
- Flight itinerary/reservation
- Proof of hotel accommodation booking or letter of invitation from host in South Africa with certified proof of host’s legal status in South Africa (ID Book/ passport, visa or residence status in South Africa whichever is applicable) and address proof
- A statement or documentation detailing the purpose and duration of the visit
- Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa.
- Medical report on prescribed form DHA-811. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time the applicant submits an application.
- Marriage certificate or in the case of a foreign spousal relationship, proof of official recognition thereof issued by the authorities of the foreign country of the applicant (where applicable).
- The affidavit where a spousal relationship to a South African citizen or resident is applicable, as well as documentation proving cohabitation and the extent to which the related financial responsibilities are shared by the parties and setting out the particulars of children in the spousal relationship. (Affidavit to be signed when applicant is lodging application by appointment.)
- Spouse’s passport (and copy) if applicable
- Spouse’s South African valid visa (and copy), if applicable
- Divorce decree (and copy), if applicable
- Court order (and copy) granting full or specific parental responsibilities and rights, where applicable
- Death certificate (and copy), in respect of late spouse, where applicable
- Written consent from both parents and full parental responsibilities, where applicable
- Proof of adoption (and copy), where applicable
- Legal separation order (and copy), where applicable
- Police clearance certificate(s) shall only be required from the police or security authorities in each country where the applicant, after having attained the age of 18 years, has resided for 12 months or longer during the five years immediately preceding the date of application, which certificate shall not be older than six months at the time of its submission.
- Proof of academic sabbatical (and copy), where applicable
- Proof of voluntary or charitable activities to be undertaken, where applicable
- Proof of research to be undertaken, where applicable
- In respect of an application by a person who is the spouse or dependent child of the holder of a visa issued in terms of section 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 or 22 of the Act, a certified copy of such holder’s visa and a written undertaking of financial responsibility of the applicant
- In respect of a teacher at an international school, a contract of employment (and copy) signed by the employer and the applicant and a written undertaking of financial responsibility for the applicant
- In respect of a person involved in the production of a film or advertisement in the Republic, documentation confirming such production and the duration thereof In respect of a foreign journalist seconded to the Republic by a foreign news agency, documentation confirming such secondment and the duration thereof
- In respect of a visiting professor or lecturer, an invitation from the host in the Republic of South Africa
- In respect of an artist who wish to write, paint or sculpt, documentation confirming the activity to be undertaken and the duration thereof
- In respect of a person involved in the entertainment industry who would be traveling through the Republic of South Africa to perform, confirmation thereof by the host in the Republic
- In respect of a tour leader or host of a tour, a contract of employment (and copy) signed by the employer and the applicant and a written undertaking of financial responsibility for the applicant
- Non-refundable application fee SEK310
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of origin shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa.
- A duly completed form DHA-1738 signed by applicant
- Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
- Passport and copy
- For accompany spouse: Marriage Certificate (Family Register) if applicable
For Accompany child: Birth Certificate (Family Register) if applicable
Residence Card if applicable
- Proof of employment outside South Africa, if applicable
- Proof of sufficient fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) for own maintenance for the duration of stay. Bank statements from the internet are not acceptable. Please bring the bank statements issued by a bank with the bank stamp
- Flight itinerary/reservation
- Proof of hotel accommodation booking or letter of invitation from host in South Africa with certified proof of host’s legal status in South Africa (ID Book/ passport, visa or residence status in South Africa whichever is applicable) and address proof
- A statement or documentation detailing the purpose and duration of the visit
- Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa.
- Medical report on prescribed form DHA-811. The certificate must not be older than six (6) months at the time the applicant submits an application.
- Marriage certificate or in the case of a foreign spousal relationship, proof of official recognition thereof issued by the authorities of the foreign country of the applicant (where applicable).
- The affidavit where a spousal relationship to a South African citizen or resident is applicable, as well as documentation proving cohabitation and the extent to which the related financial responsibilities are shared by the parties and setting out the particulars of children in the spousal relationship. (Affidavit to be signed when applicant is lodging application by appointment.)
- Spouse’s passport (and copy) if applicable
- Spouse’s South African valid visa (and copy), if applicable
- Divorce decree (and copy), if applicable
- Court order (and copy) granting full or specific parental responsibilities and rights, where applicable
- Death certificate (and copy), in respect of late spouse, where applicable
- Written consent from both parents and full parental responsibilities, where applicable
- Proof of adoption (and copy), where applicable
- Legal separation order (and copy), where applicable
- Police clearance certificate(s) shall only be required from the police or security authorities in each country where the applicant, after having attained the age of 18 years, has resided for 12 months or longer during the five years immediately preceding the date of application, which certificate shall not be older than six months at the time of its submission.
- Proof of academic sabbatical (and copy), where applicable
- Proof of voluntary or charitable activities to be undertaken, where applicable
- Proof of research to be undertaken, where applicable
- In respect of an application by a person who is the spouse or dependent child of the holder of a visa issued in terms of section 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 or 22 of the Act, a certified copy of such holder’s visa and a written undertaking of financial responsibility of the applicant
- In respect of a teacher at an international school, a contract of employment (and copy) signed by the employer and the applicant and a written undertaking of financial responsibility for the applicant
- In respect of a person involved in the production of a film or advertisement in the Republic, documentation confirming such production and the duration thereof In respect of a foreign journalist seconded to the Republic by a foreign news agency, documentation confirming such secondment and the duration thereof
- In respect of a visiting professor or lecturer, an invitation from the host in the Republic of South Africa
- In respect of an artist who wish to write, paint or sculpt, documentation confirming the activity to be undertaken and the duration thereof
- In respect of a person involved in the entertainment industry who would be traveling through the Republic of South Africa to perform, confirmation thereof by the host in the Republic
- In respect of a tour leader or host of a tour, a contract of employment (and copy) signed by the employer and the applicant and a written undertaking of financial responsibility for the applicant
- Non-refundable application fee: SEK310
All documents issued by the issuing authority of the country of original shall be original or certified copies and where applicable translated into English, which translation shall be certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator.
Machine readable valid passport with at least two (2) unused (blank) pages labelled Visa when presented at the Consulate; one page for affixing the visa and the other page for endorsement of entry/departure stamp by the South African Immigration Services. Passport must be valid for 30 more days after the intended return date from South Africa.
□ Completed form DHA-84
□ Two (2) passport photos with white or light background
□ Passport and copy
□ For accompany spouse: Marriage Certificate (Family Register) if applicable
□ For Accompany child: Birth Certificate (Family Register) if applicable
□ Residence Card if applicable
□ Proof of employment/own business
□ Proof of sufficient fund (in the form of the most recent three months’ bank statements) Bank statements from the internet are not acceptable. Please bring the bank statements issued by a bank with the bank stamp.
□ Invitation letter from South African company, their updated business registration copy and their proof of address, if applicable
□ A statement or documentation detailing the purpose and duration of the visit
□ Flight itinerary/reservation (fly in SA, domestic within SA and fly out of SA)
□ Proof of accommodation booking or letter of invitation from host in South Africa
with certified proof of host’s legal status in South Africa (ID Book/ passport, visa or residence status in South Africa whichever is applicable) and address proof
□ Yellow fever certificate is required if applicant is passing through yellow fever belt area before entering South Africa
- Non-refundable application fee SEK310
Processing time may take up to 15 working days.
Persons who are declared undesirable persons in terms of Section 30(1)(h) read with 50(1) of the Immigration Act, no 13 of 2002 as amended (no. 13 of 2011) must submit the written representative as indicated below:
The following documents must be submitted:
- Written representation
- A copy of the declaration of undesirability (form 19) that was issued at the Port of Entry
- Copy of the relevant pages of the passport, including bio page
- Acknowledgment of receipt( in cases where the applicant has applied for a permit and the status is still pending)
- If the applicant overstayed due to medical reasons a medical certificated must be submitted.
The appeal must be e-mailed to:
For confirmation that the appeal has been received applicants may contact IMS Deportations at 012 406 4985
- +27 12 406 7055
- +27 12 406 4545
- +27 12 406 4534
- +27 12 406 7214
- +27 12 406 7161
- +27 12 406 7183