The parent of a minor child who is residing in RSA or for those who reside elsewhere can approach their nearest Home Affairs Office or High Commission or Embassy to complete the form DHA-73 and give his/her consent to the other parent (who is abroad with the child) to apply for the new passport.

The Home Affairs official will in turn complete Section “B” of the form and will do parent’s online verification (only if residing in SA) and process the child’s consent and then submit to our office.

As soon as the consent documents are submitted to this office, the local parent can book an appointment and come to our office so that we can process the child’s application.

Local parent must come with the following:

  1. Form DHA-73 fully completed on both sides in the name of the child (do not sign the form).
  2. Affidavit form must be fully completed in black ink and sign in front of Home Affairs Official.
  3. Certified copy of the unabridged birth certificate of the child
  4. Certified copy of father’s passport and ID document
  5. Certified copy of mother’s passport and ID document
  1. Processing fees (Non-Refundable) of SEK138 must be deposited electronically into the Embassy Account.
  • NB: Please be reminded that you will be required to present printed proof of payment when you attend the appointment.