South African Honorary Cónsul

Ambassador Sandile Nogxina and his wife Nqabakazi Nogxina joined the South African Honorary Cónsul in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mr Benjamín de la Peña Mora and his wife Paty de la Peña to participate in the Vintage Festival in Jardines de México, in the State of Morelos. Cónsul de la Peña is the founder of Rally Maya México, one of the best vintage car events in Mexico and Latin America.


In an interview with Mustangday Magazine, Ambassador S Nogxina and Cónsul de la Peña invited vintage car enthusiasts to participate in the 5th edition of Rally Maya Mexico in May 2018.

Ambassador S Nogxina shared his experience traveling in time in the first 3 editions of the Rally through Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo and the altruistic activities in which the rally members participate donating wheelchairs, hearing devices in the main cities and the small villages of the three states. The rally’s main purpose is to assist children with Diabetes type I in the Peninsula with medical treatments, training and personalized support.


Anniversay of Ambassador Sandile Nogxina

To celebrate the anniversay of Ambassador Sandile Nogxina today, we are pleased to share this interview conducted by the Director General of Check Out Magazine, Mr Cirilo Morales(Hito Japones Morales Hernàndez) on the Occasion of SA Freedom Day and the Ambassasdor´s 5 year term of office in Mexoico. The interview covers travelling to South Africa, costs, security, recommended destinations,infrastructure and more.



Class of 2017 of the Juan N. Esquitín school

The South African Embassy in Mexico congratulates the Class of 2017 of the Juan N. Esquitín school, in Xicotepec de Juárez, State of Puebla, for completing their elementary education and wishes them the greatest success in their transfer to secondary education. May education be the most powerful weapon that transforms their personal lives, their community, their country and the world.



Heritage Day

Heritage Day on 24 September recognises and celebrates the cultural wealth of our nation. South Africans celebrate the day by remembering the cultural heritage of the many cultures that make up the population of South Africa. Various events are staged throughout the country to commemorate this day.

Living heritage is the foundation of all communities and an essential source of identity and continuity. Aspects of living heritage include: cultural tradition, oral history, performance, ritual, popular memory, skills and techniques, indigenous knowledge system and the holistic approach to nature, society and social relationships.

Heritage Month is celebrated annually from 1 to 30 September. It recognises aspects of South African culture which are both tangible and intangible: creative expression such as music and performances, our historical inheritance, language, the food we eat as well as the popular memory.



Made in Bangkok

Within the framework of Heritage Month celebrations, the SA Embassy in Mexico City is honored to announce the launch of the documentary Made in Bangkok – the main character, Morgana, has been invited by the DA Embassy to perform at the Freedom Day Celebrations and has collaborated in various Embassy projects.

Film Director Flavio Florêncio is the creator of the African Film Festival “Africala” and, together with a team of collaborators, he is part of a select group of friends of South Africa that has promoted the culture and the social and human values of our nation through museum exhibits, film festivals, university chairs of learning and a long list of activities in the past 10 years. Gabriela Enriquez, the author of the note, is a professional interpreter who has collaborated in Embassy events in numerous occasions.