



Please read the description of each requirement below and append the fully completed [CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS FOR A SOUTH AFRICAN VISITOR’S VISA] to your DHA-84 visa application:

The following descriptions cover the total of 9 essential requirements for obtaining a visitor visa. Please download the document in electronic format from the VISAS section of the Embassy’s website:
Please note that visa requirements may vary among applicants depending on factors such as reason for visit, age, marital status, nationality, and even when traveling in a group.
If you are not traveling with minors, are not being invited to work or vacation in South Africa, or do not plan to stay in South Africa for more than 90 days, please focus only on the requirements that apply to you. If you are short on time, please read requirement No. 9 directly and make the necessary changes.

  1. A valid original passport with at least four (4) blank pages is required for a single-entry visa and six (6) blank pages when applying for a multiple-entry visa. The passport must remain valid for a period of not less than 30 days after the date of departure to South Africa. In addition, please include a photocopy of the front page showing the passport holder’s photograph and details.
  2. Complete the DHA-84 Visa Application form signed and handwritten in black ink. Enter the applicant’s e-mail address in the upper right hand corner of the form. In the case of family or business group applications, each submission must include its respective set of requirements.
  3. Two identical color photographs, white background, passport size (3.5 X 4.5 cm). The photographs should show a close-up of the head and the top of the shoulders, ensuring that the face occupies 70-80% of the frame.
    Images should be of high quality, free of ink marks, lines, wrinkles or damage and should show you looking directly into the camera, with clear visibility of facial features and adequate brightness and contrast. Do not glue photographs to the application.
  4. Visitor Visas to South Africa are free (FREE) exclusively for Mexican passport holders, provided their stay in South Africa does not exceed 90 days.
    The required non-refundable fee is $570.00 Mexican pesos per application for money transfers (not bank deposits) made within Mexico, or $47 USD per person, plus prevailing bank fees of $20 USD, for transfers made outside of Mexico.
    Any additional charges incurred for intermediary banking services should not be deducted from the prescribed fee of $570 Mexican pesos or $47 USD.
    * It is crucial that all NON-MEXICAN applicants include their name as it appears in their passport on the concept of the money transfer and provide a printed copy of the transaction receipt with their visa application.
  5. Proof of Financial Responsibility: The cover pages of the 3 most recent bank statements of a bank instrument (debit, credit, investments or cheques) with a monthly available balance of at least 20 thousand Mexican pesos.

For spouses, add an original signed letter of responsibility with a copy of the signer’s official identification and a copy of the cover pages of the 3 most recent bank statements of a bank instrument (debit, credit) with a monthly available balance of at least 20 thousand Mexican pesos of the signer, plus a copy of the signer’s passport or INE.

– For children of school age, add a letter of responsibility signed in original with a copy of the official identification of the signatory and a copy of the covers of the 3 most recent bank statements of a bank instrument (debit, credit, investments or cheques) with a monthly available balance of at least 20 thousand Mexican pesos of the signatory, plus a letter from the school, addressed to the Embassy of South Africa in Mexico, indicating the studies they are attending, a copy of the school credential and a simple copy of the birth certificate.

Important note:

-For all other persons over 18 years of age who declare economic activity, including travelers invited by a host or by companies to workshops, courses, congresses, expos, etc., it is necessary to present the letter of invitation from the inviting organization, company or institution, even if it indicates that the expenses are covered by them and also the cover pages of the 3 most recent bank statements of a bank instrument (debit, credit, investments or checks) with a monthly available balance of at least $20 thousand Mexican pesos in the name of the applicant NOT on the sponsor’s name.

  1. Documentation confirming purpose and duration of the visit:
    a) Confirmed flight itinerary including round trip airline tickets – If multiple entries are required, present airline tickets, and transportation.
    b) Hotel reservations covering the entire stay in South Africa issued directly by the hotel.
    c) Letter of invitation, required only when the host is a South African citizen, stating full name, complete address, telephone number and dates of stay. It must be signed with a copy of the signatory’s official ID card and a copy of the receipt from the City Hall.
  2. Please provide a copy of your International Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate if you have traveled from or through a yellow fever endemic area within the last two months. Please be advised that a photocopy of the yellow fever vaccination certificate is required if you have recently visited Brazil, are traveling from a yellow fever belt country (such as Brazil – São Paulo) or are planning to visit other southern African countries that are part of the yellow fever belt, such as Kenya and Tanzania. Please be advised that the certificate is not required for travelers arriving to South Africa via the United States, Europe, Dubai, or other countries that are not part of the Yellow Fever Belt.
  3. Translations by an expert translator: For visits involving minors or visits lasting more than three months (90 days), applicants must submit relevant documentation as follows: All documents in a foreign language must be translated into English and certified as accurate translations by a sworn translator at the applicant’s expense.
    Copy of full/complete birth certificate if minor is traveling with only one parent.
    Letter of consent or letter of responsibility, notarized and signed by the non-traveling parent, for unaccompanied minors or situations where only one parent is traveling or with a third person.
    Proof of guardianship or custody if the minor is accompanying a non-parent adult.
    Proof of adoption if the minor has been adopted.
    Marriage certificate, if the applicant is married and applying as an economic dependent.
    Criminal Record Certificate: A criminal record certificate may be required as part of the South African visa application process to verify the applicant’s criminal record and ensure security. The need for a police record certificate may vary depending on the type of visa, length of stay and other factors.
  4. AVAILABILITY 10 WORKING DAYS OR 14 CALENDAR DAYS for visa processing and in-person pick-up or additional days for DHL delivery.
    MPORTANT NOTICE:Please be advised that all applicants for visitor visas who do not have 10 working days or 14 calendar days for visa processing and document delivery via DHL must, without exception, reschedule their flights, hotel reservations, safaris, conventions, and other planned activities in South Africa at their own expense.
    Applicants are responsible for verifying this information, which may change without prior notice. However, the latest updates will always be published on the Embassy of South Africa in Mexico’s website and social media channels. 




Instructions: Please read a full description of all the [requirements] and ensure that this essential checklist is submitted along with each visa application.

Make sure to Mark “N/A” (not applicable) beside any requirement that does not apply to you to streamline the evaluation process with only pertinent information.





NAME: ____________________


PASSPORT NUMBER: __________________________




1 Original passport and 1 photocopy of the page where the photograph appears with at least four (4) blank pages is required for a single-entry visa and six (6) blank pages when applying for a multiple-entry visa.
2 Application form DHA-84 (filled out with black pen and signed)
3 Two passport-size color photographs with a white background (3.5×4.5cm)
4 Visa Fee $570.00 MXN or $47 USD (All Mexican passports are exempt from this fee).
5 The last three bank statements, with a monthly available balance of 20,000 pesos in each month. This is applicable to all applicants over the age of 18, including children, spouses, and invited family members.
6 Confirmed full itinerary and bookings, including return airline tickets
Hotel reservations during your entire stay
Invitation letter from your host, along with a copy of your host’s ID and proof of address in South Africa (utility bill showing name and address of host in South Africa).
7 International Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate (Only for travelers who have visited or will travel via Brazil or who visit Kenya and Tanzania or other countries in the Yellow Fever belt before entering South Africa).
8 Translations of birth certificates of minors by an expert translator or translation of marriage certificates with simple translation.
9. Availability 10 working days or 14 calendar days for visa processing and in-person pick-up or additional days for DHL delivery.


On December 29, the South African government filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) alleging that, by the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people after October 7, Israel is in violation of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.



Fue un honor dar la bienvenida a todos los que visitaron hoy la Embajada de Sudáfrica en la Ciudad de México. Tuve el privilegio de ser anfitriona junto con el estimado Decano del Cuerpo Diplomático acreditado en México, el Embajador de #Palestina, S.E. Mohamed Saadat, miembros de los medios de comunicación, diversos grupos de apoyo y amigos profundamente comprometidos con la causa de Palestina.
Notablemente, un grupo de judíos progresistas y democráticos entablaron un significativo y sentido diálogo con nosotros. Su gratitud, sus mensajes de apoyo y las flores que trajeron reflejan el aprecio por la posición de principios de Sudáfrica no sólo en el caso de Palestina, sino también en la lucha más amplia contra la injusticia.
El rotundo mensaje de #paz es claro, transmitido a través de flores blancas que simbolizan la paz y flores de colores que representan las esperanzas de un mañana pacífico en todo el mundo. Dejemos que este llamamiento colectivo a la paz resuene en todo el mundo, instando a las naciones a unir sus manos por un futuro armonioso.
Al conmemorar Sudáfrica 30 Años de Democracia, recordemos que nuestras relaciones bilaterales, caracterizadas por la amistad, el apoyo y la cooperación, siguen prosperando y fortaleciéndose.
Hace tres décadas, México se enfrentó valientemente al régimen del apartheid. Nelson Mandela, tras su liberación en 1991, visitó personalmente México para expresar su gratitud por su postura decisiva contra el apartheid. Hoy, al celebrar 30 años de relaciones diplomáticas, reflexionamos sobre la solidaridad global que nos otorgó la libertad. Ahora, unidos, luchamos por la paz en Ucrania, el Sáhara Occidental, Palestina, Israel y otras naciones africanas. Que esto nos recuerde que nuestros esfuerzos compartidos como humanidad pueden producir un cambio positivo.
Al rendir homenaje a quienes han contribuido de manera significativa a la paz, la justicia y la igualdad en todo el mundo, como Martin Luther King Jr, la Madre Teresa, Aung San Suu Kyi, el Dalai Lama, Malala Yousafzai, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf y Rigoberta Menchú, reconocemos el impacto de las decisiones personales y colectivas de actuar.

Las palabras de Mandela resuenan: “Sabemos demasiado bien que nuestra libertad está incompleta sin la libertad de los palestinos”. Como dijo Nelson Mandela: “Podemos cambiar el mundo y hacer de él un lugar mejor. Está en tus manos marcar la diferencia”.
Inspirémonos, unámonos y marquemos hoy la diferencia. #treetreepalestine
Extiendo mi más sincero agradecimiento a todos los visitantes que han traído flores y a los medios de comunicación por transmitir nuestros mensajes de solidaridad y apoyo.
Ahora que la CIJ empieza a deliberar sobre el caso contra Israel por sus acciones en #Gaza, no subestimemos el poder de la acción colectiva. Aunque puede que la CIJ tarde en llegar a una sentencia definitiva, hoy tenemos la oportunidad de lograr un cambio positivo en nuestras vidas y en las de quienes nos rodean.
Gracias por estar con nosotros en este momento crucial para la justicia y la paz.
Beryl Rose Sisulu

The Embassy of Colombia in Mexico welcomed Ambassador Beryl Rose Sisulu.

It was with great pleasure that we received the Ambassador of South Africa in Mexico, Beryl Rose Sisulu, with whom we held an enriching meeting to promote mutual understanding on fundamental agendas such as solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Let us remember that this year will mark the 30th anniversary of the release of Nelson Mandela and the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.


Provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice against Israel

Press Release


26 January 2024


Statement by South Africa welcoming the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice against Israel


Today marks a decisive victory for the international rule of law and a significant milestone in the search for justice for the Palestinian people. In a landmark ruling, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has determined that Israel’s actions in Gaza are plausibly genocidal and has indicated provisional measures on that basis. For the implementation of the international rule of law, the decision is a momentous one. South Africa thanks the Court for its swift ruling.


The United Nations Security Council will now be formally notified of the Court’s order pursuant to Article 41(2) of the Court’s Statute. The veto power wielded by individual states cannot be permitted to thwart international justice, not least in light of the ever-worsening situation in Gaza brought about by Israel’s acts and omissions in violation of the Genocide Convention.


Third States are now on notice of the existence of a serious risk of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. They must, therefore, also act independently and immediately to prevent genocide by Israel and to ensure that they are not themselves in violation of the Genocide Convention, including by aiding or assisting in the commission of genocide. This necessarily imposes an obligation on all States to cease funding and facilitating Israel’s military actions, which are plausibly genocidal.


Above all else, the provisional measures are directly binding on Israel, which is required pursuant to the Court’s order and to the Genocide Convention itself, to stop all acts by it that are plausibly genocidal, such as those raised by South Africa in its Application and request for the indication of provisional measures. There is no credible basis for Israel to continue to claim that its military actions are in full compliance with international law, including the Genocide Convention, having regard to the Court’s ruling.


South Africa sincerely hopes that Israel will not act to frustrate the application of this Order, as it has publicly threatened to do, but that it will instead act to comply with it fully, as it is bound to do.


South Africa will continue to act within the institutions of global governance to protect the rights, including the fundamental right to life, of Palestinians in Gaza – which continue to remain at urgent risk including from Israeli military assault, starvation and disease – and to obtain the fair and equal application of international law to all, in the interest of our collective humanity. Notably, South Africa will continue to do everything within its power to preserve the existence of the Palestinian people as a group, to end all acts of apartheid and genocide against the Palestinian people and to walk with them towards the realisation of their collective right to self-determination, for, as Nelson Mandela momentously declared, “our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”.


The indication by this Court of provisional measures pursuant to the Genocide Convention marks a significant historical step towards that goal.


For more information: Clayson Monyela (Head of Public Diplomacy) +27828845974




OR Tambo Building

460 Soutpansberg Road




What to do about the Palestinian genocide? I Interview LIVE B. R. Sisulu

South Africa decided to take a firm step against the genocide in Palestine and filed a lawsuit before the International Court of Justice, which although it does not call for a ceasefire, it does demand that Israel must take the necessary measures to stop the massacre.


Why did South Africa decide to raise its voice?

What has Mexico-South Africa’s relationship with apartheid been?

What could the population do to join these demonstrations of repudiation against the murder of tens of thousands of Palestinians?

Alina Duarte and the South African Ambassador to Mexico, Beryl Rose Sisulu talk about this and more in another episode of #WhatToDo.


Multilateral Gender Equality from Mexico

Ambassador Beryl Rose Sisulu joined a meeting convened by the Embassy of Ireland in Mexico, which was attended by the Undersecretary-designate for Foreign Affairs, representing Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena, along with other ambassadors accredited to Mexico, to discuss progress and commitments on gender equality and multilateral work.
South Africa reiterates its strong bonds of friendship and cooperation with Mexico, Central America, Europe, and the Caribbean on various issues, including human rights, gender, and Afro-descendant communities.

In 2025, Mexico will host the XVI Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean in collaboration with ECLAC and UN Women.


Read the entire article by clicking the link below:


Photos de @SRE_mx



G20: Global Priorities and Challenges for International Cooperation in 2024

Beryl Rose Sisulu, the Ambassador of South Africa in Mexico, joined Fernando E. Lins de Salvo Coimbra, the Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Mexico, Joel Hernández García, the Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the SRE, and Ambassador Herman Aschentrupp representing the Instituto Matías Romero, at the Model United Nations of the Universidad Anahuac Norte.


The Faculty of Global Studies at Universidad Anahuac Mexico organized this event in the context of the Anahuac Model United Nations (UAMxMUN) 2024 and the 60th anniversary of Universidad Anahuac.


The ambassadors emphasized the perspectives shared by Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa in the G20, as well as the collaborative efforts these countries are undertaking to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. These goals include eliminating hunger, poverty, and inequality, reforming global governance, and promoting global economic stability and sustainable growth through coordinated public policies among member countries.

The Anahuac Model United Nations (UAMxMUN) 2024 addressed topics such as preventing global economic crises, implementing public policies in areas such as labor, energy, environment, health, and fighting corruption, as well as designing an international financial architecture favorable to its members.

The Embassy of South Africa congratulates Juan Luis Tron Flores, Secretary General of the Anahuac Model United Nations (UAMxMUN) 2024, from the Faculty of Global Studies at Anahuac University Mexico, as well as the participating teachers and students, for their excellent organization of the event.

Six years ago, Juan Luis and his mother approached the Embassy to prepare for representing South Africa in a high school MUN. Guided by the Public Diplomacy Officer, Juan Luis met with Acting Ambassador Ms. Anthea Joubert to discuss his participation.

Congratulations to the student and faculty team for organizing and running a successful MUN.
