South African Honorary Cónsul

Ambassador Sandile Nogxina and his wife Nqabakazi Nogxina joined the South African Honorary Cónsul in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mr Benjamín de la Peña Mora and his wife Paty de la Peña to participate in the Vintage Festival in Jardines de México, in the State of Morelos. Cónsul de la Peña is the founder of Rally Maya México, one of the best vintage car events in Mexico and Latin America.


In an interview with Mustangday Magazine, Ambassador S Nogxina and Cónsul de la Peña invited vintage car enthusiasts to participate in the 5th edition of Rally Maya Mexico in May 2018.

Ambassador S Nogxina shared his experience traveling in time in the first 3 editions of the Rally through Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo and the altruistic activities in which the rally members participate donating wheelchairs, hearing devices in the main cities and the small villages of the three states. The rally’s main purpose is to assist children with Diabetes type I in the Peninsula with medical treatments, training and personalized support.

Learn more about the rally in