Honorary Counsulates in Mexico



Directory of Honorary Consuls in Mexico




Full Name Mr Benjamín Salvador de la Peña Mora
Business Address Granada No. 30, Supermanzana 2 “A”, 77500 Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Business +998 8841041
Business +998 8842894
Business +998 8849513
E-mail consulsudafrica@notaria20.com
E-mail bprch@notariacancun.com



Full Name Mr Jorge Corvera Gibsone
Business Address Mexicalzingo 1665, Colonia Moderna, 44190 Guadalajara, Jalisco

+998 8841041


+33 39428989

E-mail zafconsulgdl@icloud.com
E-mail eurzua@cilsa.net



Andrés Bello, No. 10 Piso 9

Edificio FORUM, Colonia Polanco,

Delegación Miguel Hidalgo

Ciudad de México, México



The Ambassador


Ms Anthea Joubert

Chargée D’Affairs a.i. and Counsellor (Political)


Note: A Chargé D’Affairs ad interim is responsible for the operations of an Embassy in the absence of an Ambassador.  


H.E. Ambassador Dennis Thokozani Dlomo has been appointed by the President of the Republic of South Africa as the new Ambassador of South Africa to Mexico.  He is expected to soon begin his term of office representing South Africa in Mexico and Central America for a period of 4 years.


Public holidays 2024

List of Public Holidays to be honoured by South African Embassy in 2024


[one_third]Monday[/one_third][one_third]February 05, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Constitution Day (Mexico)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Monday[/one_third][one_third]March 18, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Benito Juarez Day (Mexico)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Thursday[/one_third][one_third]March 21, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Human Rights Day (South Africa)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Friday[/one_third][one_third]March 29, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Good Friday(Mexico & South Africa)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Monday[/one_third][one_third]April 01, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Easter Monday(South Africa)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Wednesday[/one_third][one_third]May 01, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Workers’ Day(Mexico & South Africa)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Friday[/one_third][one_third]June 17, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]June Youth Day(South Africa)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Monday[/one_third][one_third]August 09, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Women’s Day(South Africa)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Monday[/one_third][one_third]September 16, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Independence Day(Mexico)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Wednesday[/one_third][one_third]November 20, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Revolutionary Day(Mexico)[/one_third_last]


[one_third]Wednesday[/one_third][one_third]December 25, 2024[/one_third][one_third_last]Christmas Day(Mexico & South Africa)[/one_third_last]


An extraordinary presentation of Hugh Masekela by Sting

An extraordinary presentation of Hugh Masekela by Sting.

Hugh Masekela fought for the liberation of South Africa and Nelson Mandela. Enjoy one of his inspiring world-famous musical pieces that inspired the whole world to fight for the liberation of the first black president of the new South Africa: Nelson Mandela.


Ambassador Sandile Nogxina welcomed Team South Africa

Ambassador Sandile Nogxina welcomed Team South Africa today and wished the best of lucks in their participation in Mexico 🇿🇦 Bienvenida del Embajador Sandile Nogxina al equipo de natación de Sudáfrica para desearles la mayor suerte en su participaciòn en Mèxico.



Welcome Message by Former Ambassador Sandile Nogxina

[:es]Welcome Message by Ambassador Sandile Nogxina


Bienvenidos, Lotjhani, Sawubona, Molo, Dumela, Welkom, Welcome!


As the South African Ambassador to Mexico, I am also accredited to the Central American countries of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.


Together with my team at the Embassy in Mexico City, we seek to advance efforts at promoting and defending South Africa’s national interests and values, the African Agenda through an African Renaissance and the creation of a better world for all.


South Africa is represented by three Honorary Consuls in the cities of Monterrey, Guadalajara and Cancun (Yucatan Peninsula) in Mexico and by five Honorary Consuls in each of the Central American Countries of representation.


Our objectives are to promote peace and reconciliation through support for democracy, human rights and the rule of law through our bilateral and multilateral relations and establish and maintain economic goals by promoting an open, competitive, economy. In pursuance of all this, we strive for excellence.


South Africa, seen as the “gateway to Africa”, attained democracy in 1994. Our Constitution is widely regarded as the most progressive constitution in the world, with a Bill of Rights second to none, an independent judiciary, a free press and a robust multi-party political system.

The South African economy is highly competitive and offers investors the stability of a developed country, the opportunities of a vibrant emerging market, and a climate that fosters growth.

South Africa is a nation of diversity, with over 50-million people and a wide variety of cultures, languages and religious beliefs. Through its 11 official languages, freedom of choice of communication through the written and spoken word, is guaranteed.

It has the third-highest level of biodiversity in the world, and is the only country to contain an entire floral kingdom.

South Africa is home to eight of the world’s official heritage sites, some of the most ancient and beautiful art in the world – the rock art of the ancestors of South Africa’s First People’s the Khoi and the San. It is also the scene of a host of diverse and challenging contemporary artists producing important new work.

Sport is the great unifier of our country that transcends our diversity be it religion, race, politics or language group.

The South African Embassy partners with the Afro-Descendant organisations in Mexico and Central America to advance the development and prosperity agenda of Africa’s sixth region: the African Diaspora.

You are invited to take your time to browse through our website. You will find links to websites providing valuable information about South Africa, how to do business with and in South Africa, how to obtain a South African visa to travel and discover a world in one country, current news and events, our social media accounts and much, much more.

Sandile Nogxina




 [:en]Welcome Message by Former Ambassador Sandile Nogxina


Bienvenidos, Lotjhani, Sawubona, Molo, Dumela, Welkom, Welcome!


As the South African Ambassador to Mexico, I am also accredited to the Central American countries of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.


Together with my team at the Embassy in Mexico City, we seek to advance efforts at promoting and defending South Africa’s national interests and values, the African Agenda through an African Renaissance and the creation of a better world for all.


South Africa is represented by three Honorary Consuls in the cities of Monterrey, Guadalajara and Cancun (Yucatan Peninsula) in Mexico and by five Honorary Consuls in each of the Central American Countries of representation.


Our objectives are to promote peace and reconciliation through support for democracy, human rights and the rule of law through our bilateral and multilateral relations and establish and maintain economic goals by promoting an open, competitive, economy. In pursuance of all this, we strive for excellence.


South Africa, seen as the “gateway to Africa”, attained democracy in 1994. Our Constitution is widely regarded as the most progressive constitution in the world, with a Bill of Rights second to none, an independent judiciary, a free press and a robust multi-party political system.

The South African economy is highly competitive and offers investors the stability of a developed country, the opportunities of a vibrant emerging market, and a climate that fosters growth.

South Africa is a nation of diversity, with over 50-million people and a wide variety of cultures, languages and religious beliefs. Through its 11 official languages, freedom of choice of communication through the written and spoken word, is guaranteed.

It has the third-highest level of biodiversity in the world, and is the only country to contain an entire floral kingdom.

South Africa is home to eight of the world’s official heritage sites, some of the most ancient and beautiful art in the world – the rock art of the ancestors of South Africa’s First People’s the Khoi and the San. It is also the scene of a host of diverse and challenging contemporary artists producing important new work.

Sport is the great unifier of our country that transcends our diversity be it religion, race, politics or language group.

The South African Embassy partners with the Afro-Descendant organisations in Mexico and Central America to advance the development and prosperity agenda of Africa’s sixth region: the African Diaspora.

You are invited to take your time to browse through our website. You will find links to websites providing valuable information about South Africa, how to do business with and in South Africa, how to obtain a South African visa to travel and discover a world in one country, current news and events, our social media accounts and much, much more.

Sandile Nogxina



